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All prices shown below at full rate for Company Sponsored C-Level personnel of a For-Profit business.
Customize your pricing for up to 80% savings on all coaching plans.
Get a taste of what Integral Productivity has to offer.
No contracts. No surprise fees.
Session credits and benefits expire two months from the date of purchase.
$1500 | 30 sessions /month
What you get:
Welcome to Integral Productivity Exclusive Offer
Buy packs of sessions to use at your own pace. Great for folks with hectic, rollercoaster schedules.
No contract. No surprise fees.
Session credits expire 1 year from purchase date.
$750 | 11,499 session /month
What you get:
$3,700 | 51,499 sessions /month
What you get:
$7,400 | 101,499 sessions /month
What you get:
$15,000 | 201,499 sessions /month
What you get:
Executive Empowerment Coaching – Single Pass
Executive Empowerment Coaching – 5 Sessions
Executive Empowerment Coaching – 10 Sessions
Executive Empowerment Coaching – 20 Sessions
😄 Great for people who make commitment to continuous development part of their lifestyle.
📆 1-month or 1-year commitment. Membership will recur forever or until terminated.
No surprise fees.
↓ Downgrade anytime with credit for cash value applied to future purchase. Unused sessions are forfeit.
Save 10% when paying for a full year!
$1,155 | 21,305 | 2 sessions per monthsessions per month
What you get:
$1,690 | 2+21,915 | 2+2 sessions per monthsessions per month
What you get:
$2,190 | 42,490 | 4 sessions per monthsessions per month
What you get:
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You get everything from 4 Coaching Sessions/ Month Package, plus:
2 Coaching Sessions / Month Recurring Membership
2+2 Coaching and Accountability Sessions / Month Recurring Membership
4 Coaching Sessions / Month Recurring Membership
4 Coaching Sessions / Month + Consulting Accelerator Recurring Membership
It was a great experience working with Focus theme. We highly recommend it! Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. It was a great experience working with Focus theme.
It was a great experience working with Focus theme. We highly recommend it! Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia.
Do our prices not match your needs and situation even after customizing? Apply now to tell us more about your situation and help us learn about you, and we will do everything we can to support you.
Get in touch to connect 1:1 and see how we vibe. You'll be happy you did.